We have designed a lot of different Advanced Resources that you can get for you free–of–charge using the Host My Sites Hosting Control Panel! They are suitable for web designers or for site owners who wish to manage their web hosting environment themselves. You can quickly make an .htaccess file, modify the PHP release for one’s hosting account, alter the php.ini file, arrange many different automatic tasks and apps, plus much more!

Virtually all Advanced Resources stick to the structure pattern of our Hosting Control Panel, making them truly uncomplicated.

Hotlink Protection

Protect yourself from data transfer cyber–theft

Whenever you create original content material there’ll always be somebody who will try to get hold of it without your authorization. It pertains both to textual content as well as graphics. That’s usually where the Hotlink Protection tool included in our Hosting Control Panel will surely assist you. With merely a click, you’ll guard all photos within your web site by preventing other websites from connecting to them.

By result of this, not only will you avoid other people from stealing your photos, but you will also ensure that you adhere to your monthly data traffic limitation.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Automatic generation of .htaccess files

By using the .htaccess file, you can quickly manage your site – create redirections, establish security password secured directories, etc. Through the Host My Sites Hosting Control Panel, you can quickly create brand new .htaccess files employing Host My Sites’s mighty .htaccess Generator.

You don’t have to know anything as related to .htaccess files so as to use Host My Sites’s .htaccess Generator. Simply specify the adjustments you would like to make making use of the tool’s simple point–and–click interface and it will immediately create the necessary code for you.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Block out malevolent IP addresses from your web site

If you have a well–known website, eventually you become a target to spammers and destructive visitors. You’ll be able to defend all your websites from this sort of actions when using the IP blocking instrument incorporated into the Hosting Control Panel. The tool will help you effectively prevent an IP address or maybe a full array of IP addresses with simply a click of the mouse.

Combined with Host My Sites’s detailed web stats and our GeoIP redirection tools, this IP Blocking tool will help you properly handle the ability to access your web site.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Switch the PHP settings for your personal web site

With all of the cloud hosting offers from Host My Sites, you have the option to choose the PHP build for use on your sites – from aged PHP releases including PHP 4 to the newest stable editions. It can be done with simply a click of the mouse. All the modifications are implemented instantly. For every single PHP edition, you have access to the php.ini file for your personal site, allowing you to wholly affect the way PHP works.

We provide a streamlined user interface, which allows you to swiftly alter the most vital PHP options. At any time, it’s also possible to return to the normal settings so as to restore a backup.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Create automatic planned jobs

If there’s a study that you need to run every single day, or, perhaps there’s a number of automated tasks you would like your website to do, then cron jobs are really what you want. Within the Host My Sites Hosting Control Panel, you can quickly generate and manage all kinds of cron jobs. We’ve got launched a straight forward technique to create a cron job. It normally takes only a minute for any brand new job to generally be scheduled for execution.

Cron jobs are obtainable with all of our cloud hosting packages. Each of them comes with a varied amount of cron jobs. Extra cron jobs are available as an upgrade every time you need.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Simple way to secure your data files

Using the Host My Sites Hosting Control Panel, it is easy to promptly defend every directory on your website, as a result of our Password Protection instrument. All you have to do is determine the directory you wish to guard and identify a login name and also a password that only you will know. Your directory and all of its files are going to be shielded without delay.

The security password you have selected are going to be stored in an encoded fashion. Nobody will be able to read it and you’ll be capable of switch it when you really want.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL redirection with merely a couple of mouse–clicks

In case at any time you need to route your web site to a new URL, it can be done speedily through the URL Redirection tool built in the Host My Sites Hosting Control Panel. You do not need to generate a specific .htaccess file and deal with complicated lines of code. Everything you should do is determine which domain name to divert and precisely where you need it to lead to. Our smart system is going to handle everything for you.

If you don’t need the website redirection which you have set, it is possible to revoke it with merely a mouse–click.

URL Redirection