What is Moodle?

If you are looking for a software that can assist you faultlessly manage an internet–based training course, then you need to take a look at Moodle. Moodle is developed specially for educators, teachers and lecturers, who desire to share their observations on the web. Moodle is an open–source app, which you can get free of cost.

Despite the fact that Moodle can be described as a specialised niche web application, it still maintains an incredibly effective and productive community. There are many complimentary web templates and plugins that improve existing main features or add fresh functionalities to the Moodle platform. You can also find quite a lot of sites and discussion boards, dedicated completely to Moodle.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and shares no affiliation with Host My Sites.

Online Learning Web Hosting Services

When you administer an online course for pupils, your site ought to be constantly online, no matter how many pupils are visiting it concurrently. At Host My Sites you can get specialized Online Learning web hosting services with 99.9% service uptime, guaranteed. Thus regardless of what comes about, your website shall always remain online.

All of our Online Learning web hosting plans furthermore have unrestricted disk space, unlimited data traffic and unlimited MySQL storage. To kick–start your educative web site, we furthermore provide 100% free domain name registration or domain transfer. On top of that, we shall install Moodle for your web site the second you sign up. This way, at the time you log in into your control panel, you will have your Moodle site already available, awaiting you.

A Point & Click Hosting Control Panel

If you maintain an online course, it’s important to spend as much time as is possible on your course instead of on site supervision. That’s why it’s important to have a control panel which is as user–friendly as feasible – Host My Sites’s Hosting Control Panel.

The Hosting Control Panel is built atop Host My Sites’s custom web hosting system and it’s designed to function with it exclusively. This grants our Hosting Control Panel a serious advantage in speed, stability and trustworthiness over similar control panels. Moreover, the control panel is loaded with functions and bonuses which can help you considerably better handle your website. Using the File Manager, Domain Name Manager, E Mail Manager, Statistics Manager and Databases Manager you will see how a job such as site management can turn into something easy and exciting.