InnoDB is a MySQL database engine, which has been gaining in popularity in recent years, because it offers a better overall performance and an improved database crash recovery in comparison to the default engine that is used by the MySQL RDBMS – MyISAM. InnoDB is preferred by lots of web developers that create highly scalable web applications, since it works much more efficiently with immense amounts of data, while it keeps the server processing load at a minimum. Additionally, it uses row-level locking in case any info should be modified, while many other engines lock the entire table and hence require much more time to complete multiple consecutive tasks. Last, but not least, InnoDB complies with the "all-or-nothing" rule – in case the entire data modification procedure cannot be completed for some reason, the action is rolled back to prevent scrambling or data loss. Magento and the latest Joomla versions are two examples of popular script-powered software applications which have shifted over to InnoDB.
InnoDB in Web Hosting
While InnoDB is either not available or a paid upgrade with many hosting service providers, it is an integral part of the standard set of features that we are offering with our web hosting plans. In case you want to make use of a PHP script-based application that needs InnoDB specifically, in order to be activated and to work correctly, you won’t experience any impediments because the InnoDB database engine is available on our in-house developed cloud hosting platform. Irrespective of whether you create a brand new MySQL database and install an app manually or take advantage of our single-click application installer tool, InnoDB will be selected automatically by our system as the default engine if the respective application needs it rather than MyISAM. Besides the incredible database crash recovery offered by InnoDB, we also store daily backups of all databases, so that we can easily recover any database in your shared website hosting account.
InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our semi-dedicated hosting service support InnoDB and you can use all the features of this storage engine with any open-source script-driven web application that needs it. It’s among the engines that are available on our cloud hosting platform, so the one that will be selected depends on the requirements of the application in question. You will not have to do anything manually in order to activate InnoDB, because it will be set as the default engine whenever you install an application – whether manually or using our single-click application installer tool. To be on the safe side, we’ll generate regular backups of all your MySQL databases, so if anything goes wrong following some update or if you delete some data unintentionally, we’ll be able to restore the database the way it was on any of the past 7 days.
InnoDB in Dedicated Servers
Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel is one of the options that you can pick on the order form when you purchase a dedicated server from us. As this is the most powerful kind of hosting, it is pretty likely that you will run popular websites that will draw lots of individuals, and since InnoDB is one of the very best choices for such sites, we will install it together with all the other software applications that are available with a Hepsia-equipped server. If you set up a brand new MySQL database in your account, there won’t be any active database engine until you start installing an open-source script, whether manually through your browser or using the automatic scripts installer that is integrated into the hosting Control Panel. The necessary engine will be detected automatically and will be assigned to that database, so you can make use of scripts that need InnoDB, as well as ones that require MyISAM, the default MySQL engine, without coming across any problem.