When you have several domains with different extensions and you need all of them to open the same website, you can have the website under one of them and redirect the rest. There are several methods to forward one Internet domain name to another, including the so-called domain parking. If your web hosting package deal permits it, though, it'll be better if you host all of the domains and set up a URL redirect, not a domain redirect. The main difference between the two is that while a domain name is hosted, you could still have content for it, set up subdomains, email addresses, etc., while with a parked domain it's not possible to do any of these things. For example, if you are building localized sites under various country-code Internet domain names, you'll be able to work on them, but in the meantime, people will be forwarded to the main site.
URL Redirector in Web Hosting
With the point-and-click forwarding tool, that's included in our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, you shall be able to redirect each of your domains and subdomains no matter the web hosting that you have picked. With only a couple of mouse clicks, you could set up a new redirection even if you have not used a website hosting account before, because our tool is really user-friendly. For a standard redirection, you will simply have to select a domain/subdomain from a drop-down menu, to type in the new URL, and then to save the progress. The more advanced users can alter other options as well - the redirection type (permanent/temporary), the method (direct/match) and the folder where this forwarding shall be enabled (the main domain folder or a certain subfolder). Any redirection which you have created can be deleted with only a mouse click anytime.
URL Redirector in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server packages come with a very handy tool that'll provide you with an automated and easy way to forward any of your domains to an alternative URL. While this is usually done by setting up a special file inside the domain folder and by typing specific content in it, our tool will allow you to pick a domain/subdomain from a drop-down list and to type in the preferred remote Internet address. Our system will do the rest and the forwarding will be activated within seconds. If you're more tech-savvy, you can pick a number of more advanced options also, most notably the redirection method (direct, match) and the redirection type (temporary, permanent). You can also forward a specific folder instead of the root domain. You will be able to change these settings whenever you want, and also to delete an existing redirection from the same exact section where you have created it to start with.