Webmail is a really useful alternative to popular PC and mobile phone e-mail apps if you do not have access to your personal machine and you do not have a smart phone. You'll be able to access your e-mails through virtually any web browser, so you can keep in touch with people if you travel and you stop by an Internet cafe, for example. Webmail apps are rather advanced, so you will not only be able to send out and receive messages, but you'll also be able to make use of an address book, make a personalized signature or even set up new folders, that will later appear in your desktop email application. You should know that the e-mails available in the webmail are the ones on the server, so if you create an email in a PC app using the POP protocol, the messages will be downloaded on your desktop and they won't be available in the webmail. The answer in cases like this is to use the IMAP protocol when you create your emails in a computer app.
Webmail RoundCube in Web Hosting
In case you have a web hosting from us, you can work with Roundcube, an innovative webmail client. You'll be able to access it through the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, used to manage the account, or directly by typing a URL inside your Internet browser and then entering your email address and the password for it. You'll be capable to open the application under your own URL http://webmail.your-domain.com if the email messages are employed by a company or maybe an organization, for example. Roundcube comes equipped with all of the features that you might need from an email application and you could quickly set up unique identities for a certain e-mail address, create and use an address book, create folders or HTML signatures, opt for the time zone according to what your location is at the moment, and more.
Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you select a semi-dedicated server plan through us, you can deal with your e-mails from a feature-rich webmail app named Roundcube. You can access any mailbox from every location by typing the webmail’s URL within an Internet browser and entering the email address and it is corresponding password, or if you can access your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, you can just click on any email address and sign in to Roundcube without the need for typing in any password. If you wish, it's also possible to create a custom web address for the webmail and employ it instead of the default one - a helpful feature for those who host the website of some company or enterprise. Roundcube may be used as a main email client due to the fact that it includes quite a lot of functions - address book, aliases, HTML signatures, and more.